Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Is 36 the new 16?

Life in NYC resembles Clueless, but on speed. Most days, you are privy to a high school-esque display of youth, fashion risks, and "in crowd" commentaries. More often than not, it comes from the over 30 crowd. Are we as women led to believe that we should behave at least 10 years younger or are we naturally just more and more youthful these days? In my own life, I seem to strike an acute dichotomy between a serious attitude of a grown, professional working Mom and a complete teenager who is still hunting for the latest funky clothes, buys 100 types of the same lipstick shade, and thinks of arguments with her husband as "boy trouble". It's difficult on occasions to keep that seesaw still maybe that's just the reality of modern motherhood and womanhood? More importantly, is there really a need to tip in either extreme? As part of my seesaw, I have lately noticed an utter fascination with "youth preservation". So, to steer away from creams and injections and rather focus on real youth - that of great health and happiness, I wanted to share with you the Blue Zone advise list for a long and happy..... girly.... life: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/fashion/dinner-with-blue-zones-solution-dan-buettner.html?ref=fashion&_r=0&module=CloseSlideshow®ion=SlideShowTopBar&version=EndSlate&action=click&contentCollection=Fashion%20%26%20Style&pgtype=imageslideshow

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