Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Alright Alright Alright...

Yes, I have been away for a few years, bought a house, joined a new firm, moved to a new neighborhood and, as a Mom of two slowly tipping into her late 30s (yiiiiikkkkkeeess), obsessed over many a wrinkle late at night. Am I still desirable as a woman? Is my femininity gone? More importantly, how is my self-identity shaped these days without focus on appearance and utter failure of a litmus test of hipness? I am not sure that I will ever have any of these answers but I can assure you that life in the burbs (yes, we left the happening all night long folk musician/artisan ice cream makers' mecca) is not so bad and that sometimes the persona you fear you will become is maybe a happier version of the "cool" mom/wife/friend you thought you were before. Maybe? Yes? No? In the meantime, stay tuned since I haven't lost that edge yet...and know that in the end, it will all be alright alright alright.....

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